
an expression of the inexpressible

welcome netizens, travelers, space explorers, crazies, dissidents, free thinkers, people of middle earth, and anybody really. this is a personal homepage (and as we all know that’s code for vanity page). that’s right! it’s for me, about me, and by me ya’llz (I’m a North Carolinian so I can say that). perhaps an antiquated term for a more civilized era, I know. but I’m a retro cyberpunk so I like kicking it oldschool a bit too much. you’re here probably wondering to yourself: self, why is we here? let me fill in the blanks: you’re here because of curiosity, or you want to hack me, or you want to see what kind of crazy shit you can bite off of me and plagiarize. bored, curiosity, boredom + curiosity or simply haterade/biting is all. maybe you just want to know about a guy you didn’t know that you didn’t know, ya know? you do now. the net has devolved into a cesspool of crap, where apathy and political correctness dominated the information spaces we roam. I decided to break away from the malfunctioning, Machiavellian group thinking Borg cube. I don’t do anti-social media very much, never have. never found it all that appealing. I mean when you think about it and you’re this pretty swank dude already, why does anybody need validation? if you don’t know, nobody else is going to know it for you.

in a gist, expect all this:

  • personal blog: you’ve been on one, probably own/operated 1 or 5. anyways, the usual suspects: listicles, news, images, galleries, videos, bookmarks, shit I bought, books read, movies watched. you know the types of thingies I’ll throw at you and you’ll either totally forget or be blown away by.
  • sketch-journal: I might be embarrassed, you might be offended, not really. if I do well like these know/do nothings love saying: sorry, not sorry. drawings, doodles, writings, etc.
  • gallery: visual diary, and other galleries.
  • bookmarks: hyperlinks to explore. don’t you forget about me.
  • nibs: random, annotated nibs of a great many things.
  • doodad.cast: doodads gathered from a variety of sources. I hope you enjoy them.


spike is the webmaster

spike’s a chillaxed city cat from Chiraq. a visual poet (an artiste + designer have a love child), poet, tech-priest, and reviewer of random thingies. I’m a unique blend of Korean + Portuguese genetics entwined in a double helix of creative + g33ky. I was formerly a: DJ, pool shark, product designer for As Seen On TV!, web designer at Playboy Interactive, IT geek at Motorola, Walgreens website male model, park bench poet, sketch profiler for Chicago PD, pickup artist, prominent street hustler, teeth model (I have A1’s, don’t be hating). but hey if I could? I’d be a tea farmer in the Ande’s mountains (also a prepper with a Nuclear fallout bunker). I tend to feel weak when experiencing a kimchi deficiency, karaoke deprivation and a few other random luxuries I’ve grown accustomed to. I prefer green vs. red verde sauce in my tacos btw just something I thought to mention.

persona: since I don’t have wherewithal to write you a book, I’ll say I’m an amalgam of the following: Al Bundy, Alex P. Keaton, Ferris Bueller, Vince Vaughn, Bruce Lee, Captain Kirk, The Vampire Lestat, Tyler Durden, Gordon Ramsay, Jack Tripper, Dr. Gory, Tony Almeida. I would add David Hasslehoff to the list but that might be pretty over the top. I tend to be a very serious, goofy, mischievous, cocky, and playful character. not very politically correct, nor an adherent to modern internet slang + nomenclature. I’ve always been a non-conformist mostly, not to stand out or shine a light in my face. I have a code of honor about me I don’t stray from. I’m 65% minimalist and 35% introverted. I know what you’re probably thinking and no I’m not an international male model thanks for thinking that.